MCLE Rule Changes effective May 1, 2023

The Utah Supreme Court has adopted the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) rule amendments below effective May 1, 2023.

The amendments update terminology, replacing “Live CLE” with “Verified CLE” and “Self-Study CLE” with “Elective CLE.” Rule 14-404 clarifies issues around the New Lawyer Training Program. And Rule 14-419 offers a new avenue for Bar members to obtain “Elective CLE” credit through approved pro bono work.

Annual CLE Compliance
July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023

All active status lawyers admitted to practice in Utah are now required to comply annually with the Mandatory CLE requirements.
The annual CLE requirement is 12 hours of accredited CLE. The 12 hours of CLE must include a minimum of one hour of Ethics CLE and one hour of Professionalism and Civility CLE.
At least six hours must be Verified CLE, which may include any combination of In-person CLE, Remote Group CLE, or Verified E-CLE. The remaining six hours of CLE may include Elective CLE or Verified CLE.

For questions, please email, or call 801-531-9077.